Importing and Exporting Data

Import and export is available on the KairosDB server from the command line.

Exporting Data

To export data from KairosDB run the following command:

> bin/ export -f export.txt

The format of the export is one metric per line in the form of a json object. This can be really verbose but it lets you do interesting things with the data after exporting. If size is an issue try this:

> bin/ export | gzip > export.gz

Export Switches

-f <filename> – file to write output to. If not specified, the output goes to stdout.

-n <metricName> – name of metric to export. If not specified, then all metrics are exported.

Importing Data

To import the data we exported in the step above you can do this:

> bin/ import -f export.txt

If you happened to compress the export you can pipe it back into the system like this:

> gzip -dc export.gz | bin/ import

Import Switches

-f <filename> – file to import. If not specified the input comes from stdin.

Performance Numbers

Here is the performance of the import process.

The machine: Intel i5 (4 cores) 12 Gigs ram. The machine has two drives one SSD and the other is a platter drive. Cassandra (single instance) and KairosDB are running on the same machine.

The data: 31,341,782 metrics, the majority of which is the same metric and tags, which means it will be writing into a single row.


Cassandra Memory Location of Data Metrics per second
1 Gig data and commit log on SSD 74,623
1 Gig data on platter, commit log on SSD 93,837
2 Gig data on platter, commit log on SSD 132,804