Adding Aggregators and GroupBys

KariosDB ships with a predefined set of aggregators and groupBys. If these don’t meet your purpose it is easy to add new ones. These are added as plugins. See the Plugins documentation for information about creating plugins.

Add a new Aggregator

Aggregators are added as a plugin:
  1. Create a class that implements the Aggregator interface. If your aggregator needs to evaluate over a range of time, then your aggregators should extend RangeAggregator.
  2. Implement the logic for the aggregator.
  3. Add Annotations.
  4. Create a properties file named kairosdb-<aggregatorName>.properties that contains
    1. kairosdb.service.<aggregator>=org.kairosdb.plugin.aggs.<AggregatorName>Module where <AggregatorName>Module is a Guice module which binds your new aggregator.

Add a new GroupBy

GroupBys are also added as a plugin:
  1. Create a class that implements the GroupBy interface.
  2. Implement the logic for the groupBy.
  3. Add Annotations.
  4. Create a properties file named kairosdb-<groupByName>.properties that contains
    1. kairosdb.service.<groupBy>=org.kairosdb.plugin.aggs.<GroupByName>Module where <GroupByName>Module is a Guice module which binds your new groupBy.


GroupBys and aggregators require annotations. They require a name annotation (AggregatorName and GroupByName) which is applied to the class and QueryPropery or QueryCompoundProperty annotations which are applied to member variables (properties of the aggregator or groupBy).

The groupbys and aggregators REST APIs return a list of groupBys and aggregators and their properties. These APIs are used by clients such as the UI to help facilitate the creation of queries.


This annotation is applied to the Aggregator class. It defines the name of the aggregator and its description.


The name of the aggregator (required).


A description of the aggregator (required).


This annotation is applied to the GroupBy class. It defines the name of the groupBy and its description.


The name of the groupBy (required).


A description of the groupBy (required).


The QueryProperty annotation defines the properties of a groupBy or aggregator. It is applied to member variables that will be exposed as properties.


The name of the property (optional). By default this is the name of the member variable.


The display name of the property (required). This is the value used by the UI.


A description of the property (required).


Whether the property is optional or not (optional). Defaults to false.


The data type of the property (optional). By default, the type is calculated by using reflection on the member variable.


The list of values if the type is “enum” (optional).


The default value for the property (optional). If not specified, a default value is calculated.


A boolean expression used to test if the value is valid (optional). The expression is written in Javascript.


The QueryCompoundProperty annotation defines the properties of a groupBy or aggregator for a member variable that contains multiple variables.


The name of the property (optional). By default this is the name of the member variable.


The display name of the property (required). This is the value used by the UI.


This defines the order of properties (optional). This is a list of labels of the properties.