
Plugins provide a way to extend Kairos in various ways. With plugins you can:
  1. Add data point listeners
  2. Add a new data store to put data points into
  3. Add a new protocol handler
  4. Add a custom system monitor

For a good example of a simple plugin, see the kairos-announce project.

Plugin Requirements

To create a plugin you need to do the following things
  1. Create a class that implements
  2. Create a properties file that has an entry kairosdb.service.[your_service_name] that is set to the full class name of your Module.
  3. Install a jar containing your class files to /opt/kairosdb/lib and install the properties file into /opt/kairosdb/conf

Plugin Loading Process

Here is how KairosDB loads libraries and plugins:
  1. All jar files in lib are automatically added to the classpath by the startup script.
  2. Properties in are loaded first from the classpath and then from the file.
  3. For every .properties file in the conf directory besides, the following happens:
    1. Kairos attempts to load the file from the classpath. (this lets you add default values to future releases of your plugin)
    2. Kairos loads the conf properties file.
  4. Kairos looks through all the loaded properties for ones starting with kairosdb.service. These are expected to point to Guice modules.
  5. Load all discovered Guice modules.
  6. Look through Guice bindings for implementations of KairosDBService and start them.

There is in essence only one Properties object in Kairos so, plugins can overwrite properties set in with their own.

For clarity lets look at an example of how things get loaded. Say I create a new plugin called xplugin, my install places two files, xpluing.jar in /opt/kairosdb/lib and in /opt/kairosdb/conf.

When KairosDB starts it first loads and then scans the conf directory for other .properties files. KairosDB sees and tries to find the file on the classpath. This lets me as a plugin developer create a that placed within my xplugin.jar file and contains default settings. After loading the properties file on the classpath KairosDB loads the file from the conf directory.

Plugins with extra dependencies

What do you do if you have a plugin that includes some client library that requires some old version of guava that conflicts with what is in Kairos? You can optionally specify a location to load your plugin from by specifying the kairosdb.service_folder.[your_plugin_name] property. When you specify this property Kairos will use a new ClassLoader to load your jar and dependencies.

Note: The one downside of this is that you cannot use the method above where by properties are loaded from your jar before the external properties file (chicken and egg problem with the properties file).

Lets say you have a plugin called foo. You install a properties file that contains

You can then place your jar and dependencies in the folder
